We’re glad that you want to know more about Grace Church Bellingham. Welcome! We are a community of broken people who have been found by the incredible love of God in Christ.

Our passion around here is the gospel. That means we trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ. We live and love in grateful response to what has already been done for us. His life and death and resurrection mean that we see each other with different lenses, even though we are still broken and imperfect. We invite you to come and experience a Sunday morning, where we worship our incredible God and we are encouraged in the truth of the Bible to live all of life in the reality of what Jesus has done. 


This core message of the gospel is what Grace is about. Our trust in Jesus changes how we view ourselves and other people. We want to know more about Jesus, be in relationship with Jesus, even tell others about our Savior. 


You are invited! Invited to listen, discuss, ask questions, kick the tires, join in community. Our gospel community. May we all continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Pastor Dax


What can you expect when you visit Grace? Well, we really enjoy being together and want to welcome you to worship with us!


The setting is informal and friendly. The atmosphere is relational and interactive; the dress is casual. We've got lots of parking. 


Our Sunday morning services begin at 10:00 AM. When you come in, grab a bulletin and get caught up by watching the announcement slides on the screens up front. There are ushers to greet you and help answer any questions you might have. The worship service will last a bit over an hour, and you're invited to stay afterward for a cup of coffee as we fellowship informally.


The service has corporate worship in song, a brief greeting time, Bible reading, prayer, and an expository sermon from the Bible. We consider the whole service to be a time of worship to God, and the focus is on him. You won't be asked to do anything (like introduce yourself in public or pray), although someone may greet you and introduce themself to you. We hope that you will be encouraged and challenged by what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, and what that means for your life today.


We have Sunday School classes for children pre-school to 6th grade, nursery care readily available, and a cry room for nursing moms where you can watch the service.


We hope you'll join us! We gather in order to worship God, to hear from the Bible, and to care for one another. We believe strongly that Jesus Christ is at the center of all of that—he is why we exist and why we meet on Sundays.





Grace Church is passionate about teaching the children God has blessed us with! To that end, we have a variety of care opportunities and classes on Sunday mornings and during the summer. 


We provide nursery care for infants and toddlers—from birth through two-and-a-half years old. After that, kids transition to 2s and 3s where they'll stay until age four. This class includes craft and snack times, as well as a Bible lesson. K–1st grade, 2nd-3rd grade, 4th–5th grade as well as a 6th grade classes teach our kids about grace and the gospel.


If you are new to Grace, consider pre-registering your child or children before you come. We have a computer check-in system in our lobby, when you arrive we will help you print your childs name tags and check in numbers.



What do we mean when we say that Grace Church Bellingham is about the gospel?

We mean that the gospel is not simply the entry point into the Christian life but that it is also the foundation and force that shapes all we do as followers of Jesus both in our daily lives and in our experience as the corporate body of Christ.

The gospel is the gloriously great Good News of what God has graciously and mercifully done in the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, securing redemption and deliverance, the forgiveness of sins and perfect righteousness for all who trust in Jesus Christ by faith alone.

Therefore, the gospel is not what God requires, but what he provides. The gospel is not about human action but about divine achievement. The gospel is not an imperative but an indicative. The gospel is not a moralistic “Do!” but a merciful “Done!”

We respond to the gospel; but our affections are a response, not a part, of the good news.

We at Grace believe that the gospel informs, motivates, and energizes all we do.